Hardik Sharma

Hardik Sharma

Name: Hardik Sharma

From: Andheri, Mumbai

Standard: Second year B. com

Favourite subject: Accounts, Financial management and share market studies

Hobbies: Trekking, sports and playing guitar

Ladder track: Accounting

Career aspiration: Chartered Accountant

Personal story:

Hello! My name is Hardik Sharma and I am in my second year of B.com. My family’s biggest struggle is all of the financial issues we have due to an evolving online market. As we all know due to the world using technology, more of the market has become electronic. Earnings for the labourers have been reduced drastically since one prefers to order it online rather than getting it done by the labourers. So because of this we are facing financial issues. In the future, I want to be a chartered Accountant and a professional trekker to understand the concept of money and help my family out of their debt.