Shruti Nagvekar

Shruti Nagvekar:

Name: Shruti Nagvekar

From: Goregaon

Standard: Second Year in BCA

Favourite Subject: Science

Hobbies:Dancing and Drawing

Ladder academy Track: Coding

Career Aspiration: Software Engineer

Personal story:


Hello, I am Shruti Nagvekar. I am in my second year of university, and I also have a job outside of school. I had recently faced many issues when preparing for my practical exams because of the coronavirus. Also, due to the little amount of money my family has, I could not afford a laptop. Ladder academy helped me so much in my studies by providing me with technology I could not afford before. I will try my level best to be successful in my life and solve my financial problems. I also want to make my mom and dad proud of me and the hard work I have achieved.